Vowel pronunciation:
- A [ah]
- E [long a]
- I [ee]
- Y [short i]
- O [oh]
- IR [ir as in shirt]
- YR [ear]
- AI [long i]
- AO [ow as in cow]
- atyssie (ah TISS ee ay') : Large, heavily furred ungulate once found only in the northernmost areas of Risst, now commonly found throughout the Brrerxsnarr and Naorirh Renn regions.
- ahleh (ah LAY) : sudden snowstorm
- aissys (ice SIS) : snowflake
- aost (owst) : predatory bird, akin to Terran snowy owls
- dinao (deen OW) : cliff
- dykowa (di' KOH wa) : breeze
- fa'in (fah EEN) : dawn
- gralthis (grahl THEES) : Mixed drink, mellow and sweet, very strong, purple
- graltineth (grahl' TEE naeth) : Two to four player strategy game
- g'tyllai (guh' TILL i) : ancestors, those of the past
- hawl (hall) : thief
- ihlesst (ee LAYST) : star
- ihli (ee LEE) : island
- karyl (kar IL) : to flow
- kar'yhn (kar IN) : river
- kh'ssa (kuh SAH) : lightning
- klymerrs (klee MAYRSS) : icicle
- kohyi (koh YEE) : ice crystal
- kraa (krahh) : mountain
- kr'raor (kir ROWR) : meeting, introduction
- lihkehsn (leek' AY sin) : storm
- mol (mohl) : warm
- maesao (mah' ay SOW) : gold; golden
- naor (nowr) : silver
- nir (nir) : fury, rage
- niyr (nee EER) : scout
- ohl (ohl) : green
- QaAni (kuh' AHN ee) : demon
- renn (rayn) : forest
- Risst (reest) : home
- rarirh (ra RIR) : bark, dead tree
- rirrh (rir) : enterprise
- r'nal (rih NAHL) : Rissteran alcoholic drink, slightly stronger than vodka
- rraosol (rer' ROW sohl) : wind
- r'ti (ruh TEE) : Small, chicken-like avian
- sh'ralt (shrahlt) : foggy, smoky, obscure
- silyr (sil EAR) : diamond, diamond-hard
- sol (sohl) : dancer
- sorne (sor NAY) : broadleaf evergreen tree
- s'rao (srow) : blizzard
- sraodozl (srow DOH zil) : snowfall
- ssiss (sees) : fire
- taimi (tie MEE) : wing
- tesyf (tay SIF) : hoarfrost
- tladahl (tla DAHL) : stormcloud
- tri'hai (tree HI) : alien, foriegn
- trihl (treel) : spark
- xsnarr (iks SNAR) : plain, field, flat
- yem (ih AYM) : sunlight
- yhn (in) : water, ocean, lake
Rissteran Geography
- Sh'ralt Kraa - Smoker Mountains, home of Sh'raltai
- Ssissli - Fire Island, home of the Ssisslai
- Brrerxsnarr - Ice Plains, home of the Xsnarrai (sense a pattern?)
- Naorirh Renn - Silverbark Forest, home of the Naorirhai
- Mo'l Yhn - Warmgreen Water, home of the Yhnai, if they still exist
- Trilesst Yhn - Sparklestar Water, the last remaining lake on Risst.
It alone remains unfrozen. Named for the glittering fish that inhabit it.
The Rissteran Races
- Naorirhai
- This is the most populous race of tigrids. Like all cold-dwellers, they
have heat absorption abilities of the highest calibre. They are from the
forested Naorirh Renn region, and have the additional ability to
psychokinetically bend light waves around themselves, resulting in
invisibility. A legendary few can extend this field of influence to those
around them. They, like all mainland Rissterans (or Risstai, as they
call themselves), are anthropomorphic white tigers. Most members of this race
have green to blue manes, with rare black-maned individuals. Their eyes also
varyr from green to blue.
- Xsnarrai
- The tigrids of the Brrerxsnarr region are renowned for their psionic
abilities. All are telepathic, and many are telekinetic as well. A few are
clairsentient and a handful have psychometry. In appearance, the Xsnarrai
have manes and eyes of some variation of blue.
- Sh'raltai
- There is some speculation that the wings which separate this race did not
come about by evolution, but through genetic engineering. But the truth of
this has been lost to the legends and myths of Sh'ralt Kraa. Of the
ice-dwellers, they are the least populous, numbering even less than Ssisslai.
Their wings match the colors of the Rissteran sky, from true blue to deep
violet, eyes and manes usually matching. However, individuals with
multi-colored wings are not unheard of.
- Ssisslai
- The indigenous inhabitants developed "extra powers" similar to the
Naurirhai. But once the two cultures rediscovered each other, Ssissli was
overrun by tigrids from all parts of the mainland who were throwbacks to their
ancient ancestors. As a result, many Ssisslai have combinations of powers.
They favor the other half of the G'tyllai, they are tawny with fire powers.
Becuase of the mixing of races on SSissli, any mane and eye color from light
green to deep violet is possible.
- Yhnai
- These tigrids hid themselves and their colony well, using their ancient
technology. Most expeditions to find evdence of them have turned up nothing.
If they still exist, they appear to be tigridversions of tradttional earth
merfolk. Anything else is unknowable.