This would be your author, the sicko who put everything together. See,
I'm even color-coded! Um,normally, it's my *clothes* that are color coded....
The Black Stranger
My dear, sweet, bearlike brother plays the part of the Black Stranger (Okay,
so his Weirdozord is a bat.... It makes sense for him to have that...really.
Trust me) Oh, look, he's color coded, too :)
The Red Stranger
Here's our Red Stranger being non-color coded. About the only time I've
seen him *not* wearing a red shirt. Maybe he thought I was going to send
him on an away team? *evil grin* Not that I'd *ever* do such a thing. Heeheehee...
The Blue Stranger
This is the Blue Stranger. The photo was taken after an excursion to the
past. Amazing how Angel Grove moved from the northeast to the west to California...
The Pink Stranger
I asked the Pink Stranger for a photo.... She didn't like that idea. So
I asked her to draw a picture. She looks nothing like this. :)
The Yellow Stranger
Alas, our Yellow Stranger fell off the face of the Earth sometime while
the third story was being written and thus was unavailable for a picture.