Edge Of Parody

With apologies to Stevie Nicks

Just like the White Stran-ger sick stories that she's tellin'
Eew, eew, eew
Just like the White Stran-ger sick stories that she's tellin'
Eew baby, eew, said eew

And the days go by like a strand in the wind
on the web page of my own I begin again
Said to my friend "Hey, I've got another"
It was no more than an idea then
And well, it seemed a half formed somethin' within me
And the moment that I first laid
pen to paper
All alone on the edge of...parody

Just like the White Stran-ger sick stories that she's tellin'
Eew, eew, eew
Just like the White Stran-ger sick stories that she's tellin'
Eew baby, eew, said eew

Well I wrote today maybe I will write again tomorrow
And the words there, well they were hauntingly familiar
When I see others doin' what I try to do for me
With the words of a poet and the mind of a sailor too long at sea
Nothin' else matters

Just like the White Stran-ger sick stories that she's tellin'
Eew, eew, eew
Just like the white Stran-ger sick stories that she's tellin'
Eew baby, eew, said eew

The clouds never expect it when it rains but the sea changes colors
But the sea does not change
And so with the quick, mad, gleeful flow of words I wrote down
with a life long desire to tease on the edge of parody


Just like the White Stran-ger sick stories that she's tellin'
Eew, eew, eew
Just like the White Stran-ger sick stories that she's tellin'
Eew baby, eew, said eew

And then suddenly there was no-one left standing in the fight
With a rain of fists that no-one really ever felt fall at all
Well I went searchin' for a plot, in my head and on the screen
Not to find an answer just to hear the call of the Rangers
Singin' "Morphin' time" morphin' time...morphin' time
Just like the White Stran-ger sick stories that she's tellin'
Eew, eew, eew
Just like the White Stran-ger sick stories that she's tellin'
Eew baby, eew, said eew

Well I hear Alpha I hear Alpha
in the mornin' in the mornin'
and I hear Alpha I hear Alpha
at night fall nightfall
he's sayin'sayin' Ay- yi-yi-yi, Ay-yi-yi-yi, Ay-yi-yi
It's the day Zordon fears the most It's the day Zordon fears the most

Just like the White Stran-ger sick stories that she's tellin'
Eew, eew, eew
Just like the White Stran-ger sick stories that she's tellin'
Eew baby, eew, said eew

Well, I hear the call of the Rangers
I hear the call of the Strangers every night, in the night, all my life
I hear the call of the Rangers
I still hear the call of the Strangers!

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